Dear colleague,
The RDA-SHARC (SHAring Reward & Credit) interest group is working to improve crediting and rewarding mechanisms for scientists who share their data for potential reuse. To that aim, assessing compliance with FAIR practice is a critical step.
As part of SHARC’s activities, this FAIR criteria assessment survey is being undertaken to obtain maximum feedback from the scientific community on intelligible, realistic and human-readable assessment criteria that could help guide (i) the scientist to follow FAIR practices as much as possible, and (ii) the evaluator to objectively achieve his/her task.
This survey is an extensive feedback tool aimed at gathering comments to build realistic and usable tools for scientists. We are very much aware that completing the survey is time-consuming. To make it easier, we have divided the survey into 5 parts that can be completed independently. The estimated time of completion of each part is 20 minutes; replies can be recorded incrementally using the 'resume later' tab at the top right of the page:
1/ FAIR- Self-assessment survey and global feedback <> ;
2/ FINDABLE- feedback survey <>;
3/ ACCESSIBLE- feedback survey <>;
4/ INTEROPERABLE- feedback survey <> and
5/ REUSABLE- feedback survey <>.
Each participant who completes all 5 parts of the survey will have the possibility to be a co-author of the publication that will come out from this work. If you would like to contribute but are not able to complete all parts, please be sure to complete at least part 1 (FAIR self-assessment).
We are looking forward to receiving your detailed comments and suggestions. Many thanks in advance,
The SHARC’s survey team.
The following section is Part 4/5 of the extensive FAIR criteria feedback survey. It addresses the criteria related to 'INTEROPERABLE'.
Please complete the questionnaire carefully, one answer and one only is requested for each question. If you do not understand the question, please tick ‘Not able to assess’. Your input will be anonymised.
Let's start…
(It may be convenient to print this table for completing the survey)
There are 36 questions in this survey.